For Michele

By January 6, 2015 Celebrations No Comments

So happy that Pixie organised a merienda for Michele while she was here for the Christmas holidays.  For Michelle (2)

We met up at Wildflour

Pistachio Au Lait which Michele and Pixie had and loved!

For Michelle (4)

 Eds and I had the tarte flambee with dates, caramelized onions, brie, argulaFor Michelle (5)

Group photo –  Katrina Goulbourn Feist ,Me, Eds Genuino and on the  Right – Lisa Server Quintal, Michele Periquet and Pixie OlivaresA mini Ateneo reunion!  And hoping to organize a bigger one this year 🙂  For Michelle (1)On the way out, we stopped by Farmacy, the latest concept of the Wildflour group  farmacy 1farmacy 9 farmacy 2 farmacy 3farmacy 10farmacy 6farmacy 4 farmacy 8


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