
By January 15, 2015 Foodie, Travel No Comments

James has been talking about this place for many years and finally we were able to get a reservation!  JC Bernardo told us about this and about the pigs that look like sheep 🙂 They are called Mangalitsa, Mangalitza or Mangalica  ( photo from www.becuo.com ).  It’s a natural breed of pigs from Europe that are descended directly from….wild boar populations.  The Mangalitsa pig is unusual as it grows a hairy fleece akin to that of sheep.  It was a pity they did not have it that day we ate there.  A good reason to come back because we love Butagumi


It’s in a residential area which felt secluded but later on I found out it is by Omotesando area- just keep going straight up to the road of Omotesando.  So you can say it is nearby a favourite Tonkatsu place, Maisen Butagumi (2)

There are plenty choices of Tonkatsu, around 50 kinds, but not all are available everyday. They have Tenderloin-taste light, flavourful, taste rich or taste super rich.  Or Sirloin- taste light, flavourful, taste rich or juicy and taste super rich  Butagumi (3)

Butagumi (4)

Love the collections of little pigs by the entrance of the restaurantButagumi (5)

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More pigs around the placeButagumi (30)

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cute ones on top of the cash register 🙂Butagumi (33)

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Piggy nose logo all over 🙂Butagumi (9)

Tomatoes which were very good with al the condiments for tonkatsu – Himalayan pink salt, mustard, and two saucesButagumi (13)

Love the appetisers!Butagumi (10)

 The sausage which was so tasty!!
Butagumi (14)Roasted Chicken and potato saladButagumi (15)

Caesar saladButagumi (16)

 CroquettesButagumi (17)

Getting ready for the tonkatsuButagumi (18)

Only those with green marks are available for the dayButagumi (11)Butagumi (12)They all came together, they explained each one and then after we ate it, we  could not identify anymore because we just ate it as soon as it arrived haha!!  They were all good and of course the one with more fat you can really tell tastes really good compared to the lean cutsButagumi (19)

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Brown Sugar Jelly syrupButagumi (29)

Butagumi (6)Click below to go to their website

butagumi website


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