Pope Francis is the most famous Rock Star The world is blessed to have him- a very active and dynamic figure that leads by example. I have never seen a more effective Pope than him during my lifetime. Our country is blessed that he chose to come and visit us. I was waiting and hoping for an opportunity for me to meet Pope or be in one of his events but did not get any. But yesterday I went out to go to the hospital and grocery and while on the road – realized that only the Pope can do what he did in our country – call off classes and work for 4 days, close roads and even cut cellphone signals! Our country stood still and people were screaming and crying just to see the Pope and his smile Just amazing to see the photos, videos and stories He’s probably the only leader (at least in our country) that majority will follow!!! Pope Francis for PRESIDENT!!!!!! 🙂 Imagine if we had a President who everyone will scream for and follow. No one beats the power of GOD!
There is Hope with Pope Francis as our Pope!
It’s not only seeing the Pope that touched my heart, but the messages and how it affected each and everyone of us. Sharing here some stories out of the million beautiful ones people shared.
My best friend Eds, had a close encounter with the Pope and I asked her if she felt something and she said “I was tearing the whole time. I was just praying Jesus stay with me, stay with us the whole time. I did not know na what to say.”
And later on she told us this which really shows how effective the Pope is and how he makes us want to be a good person. That is definitely not only sending a message from God – but the message touched our hearts and makes us want to act on His word/message!
God sends His word through the Holy Mass, through the Bible and through the Pope. The Pope is the closest physical being that can represent God. Pope Francis has done such a great job interceding and connecting with the people. The messages of his quotes are not new but he makes us understand it and want to follow. So many hearts have been touched whether it be in big or small ways! I cried and I converted my best friend’s message it into a quote. I want to read it to myself always so I too will become a better person and I want to become closer to God. As Pope Francis said “ The Word of Christ in us grows when we proclaim it, when we give it to others.” So I am sharing it with all of you who view my instagram. Hoping for all of us to want to become better persons. It’s not only being able to see the Pope but being able to grasp his message and transform our lives to what God wants us to be and do in this world. It’s not anymore enough to just admire him but what we will do and what we will become after he has left
Another encounter I would like to share is by a friend, Marlu. After reading all of this, what touched me most was the message he sent through Marlu who is very good in writing and documenting. God really chose her – I am very sure. Because she has a talent of sharing also – and I am glad I read her story. Pope asked her if she prays the rosary ( as she was carrying plenty rosaries which probably called Pope’s attention ) and she said YES and Pope told her – PRAY WITH YOUR FAMILY 🙂 What a beautiful message!
I loved Tita Millet’s post!!
And Tita Thelma said it so well – A POPE WHO CONNECTS TO EVERYONE. That to me is very important because that is what we need to connect with GOD! God talks to us through the Pope and the important thing is it is working because people respect the Pope and follow him. HE IS THE ULTIMATE ROCKSTAR!
God has a reason for everything…. and we wonder why Yolanda happened. Now I know why. It’s because of Yolanda that Pope Francis came to the Philippines and it is because he came to the Philippines that we want to be closed to Him. God is so smart! GOD LOVES US! GOD LOVES THE PHILIPPINES!!! Mission accomplished!