I love having themes and logos when it’s a gathering or some group trip! 🙂  So I had one made for the kids.  For graduation – Jaime, Antonio and Yasmeen – invited 25 of their friends from school to come over to the Philippines to celebrate.  After all they worked very hard the past years and now are ready to start a new chapter in their life and work even harder in college 🙂Gina, the mom of Antonio,  Donya, the mom of Yasmeen and I divided the kids so we could accommodate them in our homes.  We have been planning and organizing this for months
 They all arrived on the 8th of June but in different flights.  This was the first batch that stayed in the house 🙂  I had 8 adopted kids who were all very good and we loved having them overÂ
From the first batch, 6 of them went to Gina’s house
Since I did not have an extra room, I put them in our basement where the kids usually hang out. I had five boys and 4 girls. Â So the boys stayed here
We had 8 additional beds in our home.  In our home, our kids always invite their friends over and we like it. We have many that come and visit and some live with us.  This time is the most we have and I had to borrow mattresses and sheets from mom. They say when you get married, you marry his/her family. With us, we have a saying that when you have kids, you adopt their friends and they become a member of the family 🙂
Not enough towel racks so I put a clothes rack to hang the towels and just labelled themÂ
A few snacks in case they got hungry in between meals
The four girls I put in one of the rooms – I just put two queen beds on the floor since I did not have any real beds. Â Gina’s house was much better!! :-OÂ
These laundry baskets filled up so quick! 🙂
I converted Jaime’s room into a spa! haha!! I treated the girls to a massage 🙂
The next day they left for Boracay and look at the smiles on their faces 🙂  Four days in Boracay for them!
Tim, Elena, Paul, Annie Gray, Samrat, Amy and Trin
Antonio, Charley, Jake, Eleanor, Noah, Samantha, Justin, Chad and TimÂ
Photos from Boracay – there would have been more had they let me go with them! haha!!j