Part of relaxing is removing eye bags and dark circles under the eyes. Eye Gel Pads by Altcheck to de puff, hydrate and refresh 🙂 One of the bestsellers of Beauty Bar!
It comes with ten packs inside the box and you use 2-3 times a week. At age 45 we must take preventive measures – Thanks to Altchek – Preventive+Corrective Anti Ageing skincare available at Beauty Bar
I don’t only have the eye pads I have the whole line of skincare!! So happy they have Altchek MD @altchekmd for Preventive+ Corrective Anti- Aging Skincare .
Altchek MD was developed by Dr Douglas Altchek, MD, FAAD, an acclaimed New York City dermatologist with over 30 years experience in treating the visible signs of aging.
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