Thank you Good Moms Jackie @jaxcantonio Cat @catarambulo and Andi for hosting a stress free afternoon for us Bad Moms 🙂 who need a break from all the stress.
Enjoyed the food at @holeinthewallph and hanging out with the moms
#centurycitymall #badmomsph #holeinthewallph Definitely partying like Bad Moms #badmomsph at @holeinthewallph at the @centurymallph movie premier of Bad Mom’s
Lots of food, coffee and giveaways for all the Bad :-O oops I meant Good 🙂 Moms #holeinthewallph #centurycitymall
Bad Moms Jackie @jaxcantonio Cat @catarambulo and Andi @gp_reyes are actually Good Moms. At today’s movie premier they shared the story of a 5 yr old child’s battle with cancer “Hi Guys!! Meet Robbie… He’s 5 years old and battling the BIG C.
He’s currently cancer free but still has a lot of medical bills to pay and is under remission.
We’ll be keeping a donation box at the registration area for those who want to help!” Go here @hugsforrobbie
#hugsforrobbie #badmomsph #centurycitymall