One of our best meals in Taipei was at Shilin Market! Taipei is really known for their street food so its not surprising 🙂 Spontaneous dinner if the best!! We lined up for this Largest fried chicken. it was the first stall we saw upon arrival at Shihlin night market – yum!!! That is one of the secrets to the taste. NT$70.00 We saw 2 stalls of this both with long lines #ShihLin #LargeFriedChicken #h2htaiwan #H2HChicken
This was where we had our dinner
Beside it there is seating 🙂
Fresh prawns being grilled
Castañas next door
There was a fresh fruit vendor next door
so she opened the fruits mom chose. Sugar apple/atis is the best! And the makopa Down the road was a line so just follow any stall with a line and for sure its good! haha!! We don’t really know much so that is one of our gauge.
Chef Javs spot this- freshly baked cake
He sliced it for all of us and it was so good