Road Trips in Sri Lanka

By February 26, 2018 Sri Lanka No Comments

For our group of 13 #srilankrew we had a 45 seater bus.  6 other people joined us later on.    I do not know how much our bus costs since it was a package cost.  But just to give you an idea, I heard from other friends who have been to Sri Lanka that they hired their own car and driver for $ 500.00 for 6 days and from another friend, he paid US$ 500.00 per person for 6 days – not including entrance fees to the sights – for everything already including transpo and hotels.  So I guess it will really depend on how you plan your adventure but it is very cheap in Sri LankaSrilankrew bus sri lankaAs Marco says, our bus is like our home more than any hotel we stayed in.  We spent a lot of time in the bus going from one place to the other and so we are happy we had 2 rows each haha!!  Road Trip from Negombo to Kandalama (5)with Jayaweera and our driver Priyantha. 5 hour road trip!  Road Trip from Negombo to Kandalama (9) We have wifi, charging stations in our bus ( very important 🙂 )

Road Trip from Negombo to Kandalama (4)

bottled water and even toilet paper when we have restroom stops. All these little details are important #srilankainstyleSrilankrew water in busAnd most importantly we need snacks!!  Brought by Kai
Road Trip from Negombo to Kandalama (2) Road Trip from Negombo to Kandalama (3)Road Trip from Negombo to Kandalama (1) And me! haha!!snacks sri lanka srilankrewMake sure to stop by for some roasted cashew
Road Trip from Negombo to Kandalama (7) Road Trip from Negombo to Kandalama (6)Road Trip from Negombo to Kandalama (8)and sweet fresh red king coconuts.  It costs around P 5.00red king coconut srilanka srilankrew

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