This morning’s adventure – Subak Pulagan. We saw it the way President Obama saw it. Thank you #eoabcbali2018 for the experience. Beautiful. !
A UNESCO world heritage site, Subak is a traditional irrigation system creating a complex water ecosystem, owned by Balinese farmers. Learn from the experts how the water is distributed fairly and equitably across 20,000 hectares.
The History:
Subak water management used for paddy irrigation was developed in the 9 th century and included in the landscape is the 18 th century Royal Water Temple of Pura Taman Ayun, the largest and most impressive archictecture on the island. Uniquely, Bali’s complex irrigation system is not by order of kings, but its management is very much in the hands of the villagers through cooperatives called “Subak”. The Uniqueness:
The Subak water system connects the rice fields, villages and temples by a system of cannals and tunnels. From one source of water, it flows through landscape shaped over thousands years supporting 1,200 water temples. At the lowest level, each farmer is a member of a Subak, whose ricefields are fed from a single dam. The head of the Subak, called the Klian Subak, is elected by its members. In the larger Subak fed by a canal, the lowest level is called the tempek. The Subaks in turn are linked to mountain temples or pura masceti, which come under the sway of one of two lake temples-the Pura Batu Kau which coordinates irrigation in west Bali, and Pura Ulun Danau which coordinates the north, east and south of Bali #subakpulagan #eophilippines #h2heo