Super LOVE EO @eophilippines #eophilippines even if I am just a spouse 🙂  2 days in Bali #eoabcbali2018 where you get to enjoy and learn at the same time. I wish it were 4 days !  Thank you EO Indonesia for hosting and looking forward to #EOABCBrisbane2019
Super fun being with these 2 for 2 days – Leah @leahcaringaland Audrey @audreytancouy who is forever laughing and happy. She is the Bizu catering queen @bizucateringstudiowith a signature laugh !  Instantly LOVE  them – instant “Oneness” !  Best to surround yourself with happy and fun people 🙂  at #eoabcbali2018#eophilippines #h2heo #h2hpeople#h2hquotes