What a lovely dinner hosted by the family of Jaime’s bestfriend, Nick @nickpenske Thank you Greg and Patty @pattypenske for hosting and for always taking care of Jaime and making him a part of your wonderful family including the 2 pretty ladies Sophia @sophiapenskeand Olivia We hear so much about them from stories and photos and so nice to finally meet them in person Grateful for their unending generous hospitality #h2hcornell #h2hpeople#h2hcelebrations
Greg & Patty @pattypenske are so good looking they are like Hollywood stars. Patty being like a runway model – so slim & so beautiful and Greg looks like Robert Downey – Ironman 🙂 Greg Penske is also the son of the famous race car driver Roger Penske @team_penske In fact they had recently won the Indy 500 race. They have 55 race cars in their team. They are the ones behind those Penske trucks you see all over the USA. They have car dealerships all over the USA, the UK , Spain and Japan for almost all the car brands (42 brands) Greg helped his father grow the business and he put up the biggest Toyota dealership in the world. Amazing ! What an honor to meet such a successful family @nickpenske @sophiapenske#h2hpeople