How to Plan for a Batch Christmas Get Together

Tomorrow, our highschool batch will be having our Christmas get together.  We had planned this months ago and after deliberation, we decided to push through with it.  We toned it down and made it a simple get together so that we could meet up with the batch.


I found our last year photo when we conceived the Christmas party committee and we are back again

Previous entry:  AC Batch 87 Christmas Party 2012 December 28, 2012 

Hopefully another team can take care of it to give others a chance to organize for the batch


We had our first meeting in Lills house

Previous entry:  From the Kitchen of Lills November 9 , 2013

And then we had a second meeting in my place.   

Here is how we planned for the party.  

1.) Think Happy Thoughts

We started the meeting with HAPPY THOUGHTS to make my committee be in a HAPPY MOOD because they are always getting mad at me for being strict and bossy! 🙂

Here are their happy thoughts 🙂

 2.)  Get into the mood of the theme of the party

This was a prelude to our pink christmas party so everything was pink 🙂 We had a pink tea party to get them in the mood  


3.)  Always have an agenda because when you are friends, you tend to stray and talk about other things that are not Christmas Party related 🙂  

Each one is a head of a committee or a particular responsibility – so Lills is in charge of the food.  She got quotes and proposals from different caterers and she presented it to the committee

To keep costs low so that everyone in the batch can afford, we get a basic menu and then we ask generous and willing batchmates to donate additional food and drinks 🙂 Though this was scrapped already since we decided to cut down on expenses after typhoon Yolanda

Our host for this year 🙂  I asked her to make a layout 🙂

4.)  Take care of your committee

Feed them so they will be good and just follow !BRIBE! 🙂


Give them giveaways to take home after the meeting 🙂

Pink giveaways to the committee members who works so hard and still give so much more even after all that they do

Bye girls! Till our next meeting! I love you all! 🙂


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