Jigger and May by Jason Magbanua

By November 20, 2008 Bridal 5 Comments

Heart2Heart admires Jason Magbanua and the work that he does…As I interpret events through photos, he does it through video which is so amazing!  Here is the preview of the video he made for Jigger and May 

Taken from:   http://jasonmagbanua.com/blog/ 

The invitation said it all.

It was going to be a grand three-day celebration the likes of which Boracay Island has never seen – the couple’s birthday celebration on Friday, the wedding on Sat and an island cruise and Luau the day after.

And if that weren’t enough, David Morales flew in to play at the after-party.  And what an event that was! It lasted until daybreak (me getting old, I haven’t partied like that since Ken Ishi and Tricky in the late 90s).

Jigger and May from Jason Magbanua on Vimeo.

One look and the adjectives that come to mind easily would be “grandiose” and “extravagant”.  But as an attendee, I felt it to be a really special celebration amongst family and friends.  The speeches were heartfelt and the marriage vows deeply moving.


At the core of it all, amidst the trappings, here  were two people proclaiming commitment. 




Previous Entries:   

 Wedding of the “Century” Part 1 – Arrival and Rehearsal Dinner Nov. 7 

Wedding of the “Century” Part 2 – Church Wedding  Nov. 8

Wedding of the “Century” Part 3 – Reception 

Wedding of the “Century” Part 4 – David Morales 

Wedding of the “Century”  Part 5 – Luau and Dinner Nov. 9




  • Jun Lopez says:

    This Guy is super great! Wish i had a tenth of his talents. Congrats!

  • may munoz-antonio says:

    wow, rica! thank you for posting this as well. you are just so good at this 🙂

  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    Oh my God! He is incredible! I am speechless! how I wish I could get married again 🙂 Thanks for sharing Rica!

  • Romina Garcia Narth says:

    Galing! Makes me wish I got a video for my wedding 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

  • Rosanna Henares Angeles says:

    Ok I don’t know this couple but I have to say the video was amazing. I wished you posted this sooner so I could hire this guy for my son’s 7th birthday — although I’m sure he costs more than the party itself!
    So Jigger and May – congratulations from a total stranger who nevertheless felt like she was there.

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