Though today is my day, being Mom, I would also like to give credit where credit is due.  i would feel so guilty if I took all the credit for being Mom!


This is the usual perception about Moms and Dads but in my family, Dad is very much a Mom and this does not hold true at all.  It’s probably the other way around with us because we all go to Dad/Papa and rely on him to take care of all of us including me 🙂  Not to mention all the household chores he helps me with!   


James is a very very hands on Dad, he’s actually Mom to the boys since they were kids.  It’s so hard to raise boys because I could only relate to girl matters!  It’s a good thing Papa is always willing to help!!!! What would I do without him??moms-day-is-for-dad-1.JPG

From their haircut as kids and until this day 🙂  


How could we have moved in the dorm without Papa!??  Papa takes care of all the educational matters of the kids!


The two boys and I are so lucky to have our Mom! 🙂   I won’t give him all the credit but I share the day with him.  Happy Mother’s Day to Papa! 🙂  We love you! We would be lost without you!  




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