Body Sugaring Salon

Meet Tsin Inocian of Barenaked Body Sugaring Salon!  Tsin is the cousin of my good friend, Lills both very pretty 🙂  and very nice.  Tsin owns Via Veneto and she is the one who brought in Birkenstock in the Philippines

“Sugaring is an ancient Arabic art of hair removal.

Sugaring has been practiced in parts North and East Africa for hundreds of years, even Cleopatra is purported to have used this method! Women of those times did not have the modern day inventions of showers and deodorants to keep themselves fresh and clean and found it much easier to keep personal hygiene levels high in their hot climate if they removed their pubic and underarm hairs. They were so impressed with the effects that the removal of these body hairs had that they experimented on the rest of their body hair. This left them feeling smooth, clean and much surer about themselves. Which in turn led them into helping one another to remove their body hair by sugaring. As a result of this it is now customary that when an Arabic girl reaches the age of 14 and is ready to marry, that she is sugared all over. The only hair she will have left on her body is the hair on her head, eyebrows and eyelashes. From that day on she is regularly sugared until after a period of time the hair growth diminishes and could eventually cease.”

Body Sugaring is an alternative to waxing and has many advantages.  The franchise is from Alexandria Professional Body Sugaring in the States and brought in my the Garcia sisters – Sugar and Cecile.  Yes her name is Sugar 🙂

We went to the Glorietta 5 Makati branch

This is the sugar which is imported from the States.  They use all natural sugar and it does not darken skin and does not burn it. Bacteria cannot breed in sugar so its always clean.   Even if your hair is 1/16th of an inch, you can already have it removed unlike waxing which has to be 1/2 inches  

Very quick movements and no pain.  Pain will depend on the tolerance of each individual so for me there was no pain.  For others the degree may vary.  There should be less pain because the movement is towards the natural direction of the hair so there is less breakage and less ingrown.    

You can get bible verses on the counter 🙂  


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