Bootcamp Reunion 2014

I missed my old bootcamp friends, I invited them to come over one wednesday class and we had a bootcamp reunion 🙂  

Margie!  I wish she could be with us all the time


The old group – Gary, Mig, Nelson and Siuping, Margie together with the new group  Juampi and Laura and our guest Tara 🙂   FUN FUN!! Join us every Monday and Thursday 630am to 730am and Every Wednesdays 730am to 830am.  Polo Club has a lot of classes to choose from and you can join unlimited classes by just signing up with the monthly fee of P 1,250.00  

After working so hard burning all the calories, we make it all up and maybe even added more calories by having breakfast 🙂  with another old timer, Alexie 🙂


We have recently had many guests join the group  Christine,


Lance and Rewa exercising to the tune, “I Will Survive”! 🙂  The two survivors so far and hoping they will stay on 



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