12 Angels

By December 27, 2008 Christmas 3 Comments

When I visited Rachelle in her place, she told me a nice story about her 12 angels.  It was such a sweet gesture by her husband so I asked her to share her story with Heart2Heart 


When my husband & I were engaged, I used to collect angels.  I saw them at a gift shop and liked them and told him.  He apparently saw them too and thought of me even before I told him I liked them.  He then would give me the angels as a surprise for the 12 days of Christmas which they (his Swiss family) observe.  Everyday, I would find the angel unexpectedly, in my bag, in my office drawer, etc.  For 12 days, he surprised me with an angel until the whole collection was complete.  Oh and yeah, before I received the 1st angel, I went to the gift shop and the angels were sold, not knowing he bought them already for me! dsc_3529.JPG 



  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    Aww.. nice story and cute angels! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  • Rachelle C. Wenger says:

    Hi Rics! Greetings from Switzerland! Am checking your site even from another continent, can´’t resist! 🙂 Thank you again for featuring our “angels” and a bit of our love story, haha.

    To your friend, Tricia, thank you for appreciating. 🙂

    Have a great year ahead to you and your family. God bless you always!

  • […] Thank you again Rachelle for making me a part of your Christmas celebration. ( By Rachelle Wenger November 30, 2008 )  It is always so cozy and intimate to gather and celebrate together with you and your friends.  What a beautiful theme this year….ANGELS! ( 12 Angels December 27, 2008 )  […]

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