Last June I wrote about some travelling tips from Mom
Previous entry: Travel Tip from Mom June 16, 2014
For this trip, her theme was orange I love my Mom!
And today, I am sharing another travel tip from Mom! This trip, after our visit to the Ostrich farm, Mom stepped on an anthill or some area with plenty red ants. And since she was in open toe shoes, she got bitten. Of course she was ready with all her medicines. When we got to the bus, she brought out this small bag
She had ointment to relieve the itch!!! AMAZING!!! How hard it would have been had she not had her medicine kit! She is the BEST! I always want her to be in all my trips!! haha!!
Inside the bag is this list which has all the contents of the bag and the expiration date. She knows already what each medicine is for. The staff in her house writes this and makes sure this is always complete.
So in case you don’t know, it would be good to right down as well the dosage and to indicate what each medicine is for[email_link]