Ice Skating in Mall Of Asia


After arriving from Japan, my son kept nagging me about going ice skating!  Ever since he ice skated in Tokyo, he was looking for an ice skating ring everywhere we went around Tokyo and Osaka.  Sine we did not find any, I promised him i would take him when we got home 🙂

 So, I took him to Mall of Asia!  It was a school day when we went and Javier did not start school yet so we had the place almost all to ourselves!  It was around P 300.00 plus per person for the whole day..unlimited exit and entry – meaning you can skate, eat, skate, go shopping, skate again …..We did not bring any winter outfits but apparently you need to be dressed for the occassion because it was so cold


After 20 minutes, he gave up…. I thought it was a waste of money since we did not even use up an hour. 

But then again……. 


A day spent with my son…… and maybe it will be something he will remember when he looks back at his childhood…It’s ALL WORTH IT! 



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