Getting Organized Part 2

Heart2Heart has not featured something like this in a long time.  And to think, part 1 was a very popular feature.  (  Getting Organized May 16, 2007  ) 

We always go to our sister Tina’s house but this time, we got a closer look inside her closets and cabinets!  Heart2Heart ( and I am sure many others ) are inspired by people who are so organized!  We learn a lot from them.  So thank you to Ana and Tina for sharing your household tips!

Pantry – everything lined up and all in its proper place


This is Heart2Heart’s favorite section!! Wow!  


A section in the kitchen where everything is all stored properly and all labelled 


Storage room- looks like an IKEA store to me 🙂  


In one of the rooms, the cabinets are being used to store of all Tina’s wrapping accessories 

Each drawer is organized into occassions- all occassion, birthday and christmas 


Gift bags 


RIBBONS!!!!!!! I love ribbons!! She has so many! Each container is categorized by design- Plain, checkered, printed, dots, etc etc


This is her son’s closet which she told me was organized by the nanny.  Hmmm… deep inside me I am thinking… the nanny just tries to copy her boss…so I guess she is just like her boss 🙂  She even labels the shelves and segragates the shirts – sports shirts, long sleeves, etc etc


Related Entries and other ways to get organized:

Getting Organized May 16, 2007 

 or the original Multiply entry with captions:  Getting Organized 

Personalized Iron On Labels  May 22, 2008

Unique Ideas by Pockets May 3, 2008 

A Few of My Favorite Things at Make Room Nov. 9, 2007 



  • Ria says:

    you have to take pictures of the closet and room and desk of the daughter as well!
    we saw it kanina- just as neat!
    see you next week for lunch 🙂

  • Lex says:

    Awesome. Storage of a truly obsessive compulsive shopper.

  • Michele Dee-Santos says:


  • Kris says:

    I think I have died and gone to OC heaven!

  • raquel says:

    yeah, it does look like an ikea store.ii’m an organized person but not like this. it’s taking it to the next level and i’m so envious…

  • Steff says:

    what an eye candy! any tips on how she keeps the ants away from the food storage?

  • ktjison says:

    ay, may bagong idol ako….. wish ko ganon din ako ka neat… makes me try harder..
    thaks for sharing!

  • kary says:

    Wow after seeing this I suddeny want to go home and organize stuff right away. I so envy people who can organize things to the next level. I have a friend who organizes her clothes by color too as in ROYGVIB pa!

  • stephanie says:

    Wow! She is such an insipiration, Bree-like in Desperate Housewives. And her pantry looks like a grocery store, she can feed an army! =)

  • Romina Garcia Narth says:

    thanks for this! gives us great ideas on how to get organized 🙂

  • Chris says:

    Truly amazing! I never realized that an organized shelf / pantry could actually be a part of the room’s decoration. I’m inspired to replicate that, though I think the difficult part is stashing on chips and cookies, they will be gone right away so I will keep on refilling them. lol. Thanks for the post.

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