
By February 19, 2009 Yummy! No Comments

I have been wanting to try this interesting bread which I see at the Salcedo Market..finally I did. YUMMY!


 From Ana

Lavosh is an Armenian flatbread… Baked, not fried… I add herbs and seasonings. Flavors vary depending on what’s available, as we use home grown herbs as much as possible. Chili, ginger with black sesame, rosemary, dill, oregano, sesame, basil.

You can eat it alone or with a dip. Good alternative to chips!

Or as a wrap:

Sprinkle a cracker on both sides with water and wrap in a clean, damp kitchen towel. After about 20 minutes or more, bend one corner, if it cracks, it’s not ready. If it’s pliable, you can spread with stuff and roll.

Like cream cheese and smoked salmon. Or avocado and shrimp and alfalfa.

Whatever you want.

P115.00 per bag of 8 pieces [all one flavor only]

Keeps well in an airtight container in the refrigerator. If for some reason it gets soft, just stick it in the oven and it’ll crisp up again.


Ana de Borja Araneta

Agustini’s 0919.230.0216 


Previous Entry:  Agustini’s Homemade Temptations Feb. 8, 2008 



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