Gastronomic Boredom

By March 13, 2009 Foodie One Comment

I was given a choice to eat wherever I want, so I chose one of my favorites, Pepato ( Nov. 25, 2008 ).  

When I go back to a restaurant I have been to already, I promised myself that I will not order the same thing again and again.  I will make sure that I have a new experience and try other things on the menu.  Mireille Guiliano ( French Women Don’t Get Fat January 21, 2009  ) said that “Gastronomic boredom leads to lots of unhealthy eating.  If you don’t make improvisation and experimentation a part of your eating life, you are sure to find yourself in an eating rut.  It’s as bad as a romantic rut – losing that spark-and just as likely to get you in trouble!”   

So, I did not order my favorite foie gras dish ( August 16, 2007)!  But I discovered other wonderful dishes! 

Just their first complimentary dish excites me already….They normally give you a bite from their appetizers menu- I do not know what this is called but it reminded me of a mini Mille Feuille but salty not sweet.  I loved it! 


I really like the tasting portions in Pepato – Raviolini, chicken liver pate sage butter.  It follows very much the concept of Mireille G.


Seafood pasta – special request by James 


Linguini with Angel Wings ” Diwal” 


Marlin Steak Grilled Plum Tomatoes Capiz fish roe


Love the gigantic pepper mills of Gaita 


 US Angus Roast Garlic Caperberry sauce


Truffle Fries!!! 


 They even gave extra truffle on the side!! 


Great food and great company always goes well.  Thanks Kookie for sharing a meal with us. 



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