Japanese Mochi

By March 18, 2009 Yummy! 3 Comments

My sister gave me these mochi snacks form Japan.  Wow! They have so many flavors!   I hope you can read the flavors…


She gave me also this mochi which had cheese! 




  • sarah says:

    wow! i love mochi! we always get those as gifts from japanese friends and clients. I have yet to try the camembert mochi, will ask friends to get them for me too! Thanks for sharing!

  • celine says:

    hi rica! My youndest daughter loves Mochi but I haven’t come across any of the yummy kinds here in Manila.
    I had a taste of the ones in the brown box in a friends party and they were really good,
    wood you happen to know where we can get them here.
    Would be great to get some for my daughter simona!

  • hazel says:

    these mochicream are simply divine! i had some in Hong Kong. rather expensive at HK$13 each, but definitely worth every cent!

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