Prince Restaurant

By March 30, 2009 Foodie, Travel No Comments

We went to Hong Kong on a business trip and of course set aside important time to dine in between…… dsc_6561.JPG


….And get together with friends and family who were also there – Ned and Janet who came with us, Mich who lives there and my brother Jun Jun and Margs who were also on a businesstrip 


It was a good restaurant, the problem was we did not know what to order.  It was recommended by the concierge at the hotel.  Suddenly we are lost without Mom who normally does all the ordering….But anyway we had a great time and it was nice to have Chinese food in Hong Kong 🙂


Vegetable Rolls and Sauteed Diced Japan Wagyu beef with garlic

Barbecued Eel with honey and a Pork dish 


Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab with Spice Salt


Xiao long bao,  Another Unagi dish and fried rice  


I forgot the names – this was a yummy beef dish, basic sweet and sour pork and a vegetable dish 


Everyone ordered this for dessert – like a mango sago  


I took photos of dishes I liked in the menu that we did not order…they looked good 


These looked good and the head waiter was pushing us to order this…but scary to see a menu with Seasonal price written on it 🙂 where there is no price and you do not know the weight of the seafood. So we did not order anymore


Website:  Prince Restaurant 




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