by Gil Coscolluela for Felix and Reggie

Heart2Heart is always happy and proud to feature our good friend, Architect Gil Coscolluela.  This is one of his most recent works….. 


A beautiful house for our friends, Felix and Reggie, who are obviously very happy with the work of Gil 


Felix and Reggie had prepared a dinner for our friends Gary and Frannie who are moving to Singapore.  We missed the dinner and arrived for dessert and coffee/tea  


I immediately took photos of the house and thanks to Felix and Reggie for sharing their beautiful home with Heart2Heart 


This beautiful home comes with beautiful works of art… 


Felix looked up the middle of the staircase and told me that just looking up is already a work of art and Gil did a great job building it… 


a nice altar 


a room for the family to gather 


Master Bedroom 


Felix so proud to show his closets and how the bars go down for him to reach his clothes 


Reggie’s closet where the girls love to hang out  


and listen to Gary entertain them 🙂 


Reggie’s shoes 


and a closet for Felix shoesdsc_6383.jpg 


Going up to the third floor 


Office of Felix! WOW!!! 


A storage room! WOW again! 


And their beautiful kitchen 



  • Tricia says:

    Beautiful house! Did Gil Coscolluela design and build?

  • Good job, Gil and Joel!

  • frannie says:

    Rics, thanks for going to that dinner…kahit late na it meant so much to me!

  • TiNe says:

    hello Rica, i have been a silent lurker in your site for over a year now, but never posted a comment. I was just surprised seeing Gary and Frannie in your post since i never saw them before in your entries. Gary is a former colleague of my hubby and mine way back 2002. Thank you for this post, at least i get to see them again even just in the pictures. And as always..Gary has a great way of entertaining people with his stories 🙂 Thank you also for sharing this beautiful home, it is really a work of art…your friend Gil should really be proud of his work 🙂

  • Daphne says:

    Ive been to Reggie and Felix’ house. Featured it in my show. Its stunning. I love their art pieces.. The building itself is a work of art. Gil Coscolluela is a great architect. And Reggie and Felix have really fine taste. It’s a happy house too 🙂

  • ultra says:

    Gil, excellent job!…Want to see Gary’s work too…any link?

  • Rica says:

    I am so sorry I have no replied to the questions to this feature-
    Tine – yes Gil designed and built it-
    Fran- of course!
    Tine – thank you for viewing Heart2Heart!
    Daphne – Definitely a happy house 🙂
    Ultra -I featured Gary once only because I am waiting for him to take me to one of his houses so I can take photos – Here is the link to one of the restos he did:

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