Sigiraya Rock Fortress

By February 28, 2018 Sri Lanka No Comments

We started our day early 9am ( that is early for us haha!! ) but if you can start earlier it would be better so the climb to Sigiraya will not be hard because of the heat.  We were also luck that morning that the sun was hiding so it made it easier for us to climb.

 View from our hotel!!  BEAUTIFUL!!Sigiraya Rock Fortress (22)

1,200 Steps up the Sigiraya Rock Fortress – A fortress with double moats for a king who had 200 wives and killed his father to get the throne. – Sigiriya, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the most dramatic, inspiring and beautiful historical locations in the world. A mythical past of feuding dynasties brings alive Sigiriya’s striking setting. It was built in 5th century AD by King Kasyapa, as a fortress-palace. Worthy of being called the “8th wonder of the world”, Sigiriya is Sri Lanka’s answer to the Taj Mahal and will astonish anyone with its outstandingly beautiful views, staggering engineering and peerless design. #sigirayarockfortress#sigiraya #srilankrew
Sigiraya Rock Fortress (1)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (2)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (5) We went to the museum to learn more about Sigiraya.  No pictures inside the museum.Sigiraya Rock Fortress (12)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (13)When I take photos I edit them a bit….. but this is really the sign 🙂 🙂Sigiraya srilankrew 2I noticed in Sri Lanka, they seem to want to keep their sights as they are and not really clean them up or try to touch them.  I do not know if that is intentional or they maybe do not have fund to maintain them.  So expect many of them to be like these.  To me personally I still see beauty in itSigiraya Rock Fortress (9)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (8)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (7)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (10)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (11) Sigiraya Rock Fortress (6) Sigiraya Rock Fortress (3)    This trees are very rare but in Sri Lanka I saw several!
Sigiraya Rock Fortress (14)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (16)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (4)Friends you will meet along the way 🙂Sigiraya srilankrew 8Sigiraya Rock Fortress (15)Very small letterings for the signs :-O
Sigiraya Rock Fortress (17)Sigiraya srilankrew 1Because it was a Sunday and it was Independence day- there was traffic climbing the rock.  Our tour guide told us that he has never seen the crowd like this before.  It was barely moving!Sigiraya Rock Fortress (18)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (19) It is a good thing our tour guide knows the place and he took us to a different route 🙂  Sigiraya Rock Fortress (21)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (24) There are some caves as well in betweenSigiraya Rock Fortress (20) You will encounter monkeys 🙂  They are harmless but just do not show your food or look at them eye to eye! 🙂Sigiraya srilankrew 3We skipped some traffic but still had to go through this.  It was here that had a bit of delay because of the artwork on the walls
Sigiraya Rock Fortress (25) Sigiraya Rock Fortress (28) This is the stairs after that gate and these stairs lead to the artworks on the rock which you are not allowed to take photos ofSigiraya srilankrew 6 Again strict rules to preserve their monumentsSigiraya Rock Fortress (29) OMG! 🙂Sigiraya Rock Fortress (30)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (31) It is good that they are very strict in preserving their historical sightsSigiraya Rock Fortress (32)Again another sign about the Lion Staircase.  I think they need to make their letterings bigger – it is very hard to readSigiraya srilankrew 4Sigiraya Rock Fortress (43) There are rest stops in between so even if you think you cannot climb, you can!  You can rest in between and take your time.  Sigiraya srilankrew 5Since we did not have time, we could not rest! haha!!  But this is my favourite rest stop which has a view of another hike right across.  That one looked really rough!  So we did not even bother to ask what that was haha!!Sigiraya Rock Fortress (38) Sigiraya Rock Fortress (33) Sigiraya Rock Fortress (37)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (36) Sigiraya Rock Fortress (27) You can only see this view of the top of Sigiraya from a helicopter or a drone.  ( Photo from an online source ) #Sigiraya #srilankrew #srilankanstyle #h2hphotographysigarayaWe were hoping to take a drone shot from the top of Sigiraya but it’s not allowed 🙁  6 months in prison if you are caught – it’s a good thing Chut @chutster didn’t get caught :-O  They stopped him right on time as he was setting up with bodyguard and wife Kim! haha!!
Sigiraya Rock Fortress (39) This was a sign by the ticket booth.  It is a pity because it is really beautiful up there and you cannot see the fortress properly unless through a drone or from a helicopter or something from up there!Sigiraya srilankrew 7Sigiraya Rock Fortress (40)WE MADE IT!!Sigiraya Rock Fortress (42)  I did not bing anything but my phone and this!!  You have to hydrate and since I cannot carry 10 bottles, Izumio is the best because in this one small pack, you are hydrated 100 X more !  BELIEVE ME!Sigiraya Rock Fortress (41)Sigiraya Rock Fortress (45) Sigiraya Rock Fortress (44)

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