Australian Goodies

By June 26, 2009 Travel, Yummy! No Comments

Of course, a trip to the supermarket is a MUST in Heart2Heart’s travels!  I love looking and trying things we do not find here in our country.  There seems to be so many flavors and varieties of the normal things we have here… 

I am amazed at the variety of crackers, crostinis and bread sticks they have!  I am imagining all the yummy dips that can go with them…and since i cannot try all of them, I feast my eyes and just take photos of them!


 unique chocolates!!!


Land of the Tim Tams!  Who knew they had all these other flavors!! 


And the chips and snacks!!! WOW!!!! 


And to counter all those unhealthy stuff…I like looking at the energy bars..they have so many choices as well..I want to try all!!!p1100415.JPG 


And one of my favorites when I was a kid..we used to have this in the Philippines but it disappeared in the supermarkets, so i only see these in Hong Kong and now in Australia! 


and they even have it in LIGHT version!! 




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