Wyndham Estate, Hunter Valley

By July 9, 2009 Foodie, Travel 2 Comments

Thanks Tito Ralph Joseph for arranging this wonderful visit at Wyndham Estate!  It was a perfect way to celebrate Dads birthday which I am sure he enjoyed.  We had wine tasting, then a very very delicious lunch.  Everything was good but our most favorite was the dessert especially the pavlova!!!! We thought we were full so we ordered one of each dessert, we ended up ordering maybe 3 or 4 of the pavlova!

Again, we had a very slow and relaxing lunch.  That is one thing I like about Australia.  Everyone seems to enjoy life and cherish every moment of it…instead of always rushing and trying to run after something.  We had finished lunch at maybe 4:30 pm!  So we decided not to do the wine tour anymore because we had to go back to the city before dark.  

Thank you to Wyndham Estate for a warm and kind reception and to Tito Ralph for arranging Dad’s birthday lunch! I wish we stayed longer so we can have more 3 hour lunches!! 🙂 enjoying the food with family





  • Jun Lopez says:

    Good coverage, LOVE! Great wines talaga …!

  • Babot Joseph says:

    Very nice photos, Rica! Too bad we weren’t able to follow and join you and everyone else. Will definitely plan a trip to Hunter Valley soon. Thanks!

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