Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines

By February 24, 2019 Religious No Comments

Today was a super special Sunday family gathering because we had mass by The famous rockstar priest Fr. James McTavish @mctavish_james@verbumdeiphilippines We had the Blessing of the throat ( Feast day of St. Blaise) I have met Fr. James twice only but because my parents and my friend Yvonne @yvonneromualdez admire him so much and rave about him all the time, it’s like I know him 🙂 Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines HearttoHeart (1)  I know him because my parents and Yvonne gave me his book which he published in 2011 with the help of Marlu Balmaceda and last year an updated version was made with the help of  Yvonne & edited by my friend Marianne Perez Hernandez. I super love his book which is a compilation of his sermons. He is known for his sermons and his humor and I would not mind going to mass everyday if he were the priest and I woul
d not mind listening for as long as he is talking. He is very busy so it would be hard to hear mass with him but because of this book, I am very much in touch with God through him, If you don’t have a copy of this book, make sure you get one and you will see what I mean. And if you have not listened to him in person yet, you better find a way to make sure you do. Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines HearttoHeart (1) Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines HearttoHeart (5)Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines HearttoHeart (8)Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines HearttoHeart (10) Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines HearttoHeart (11) Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines HearttoHeart (9) Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines HearttoHeart (7) Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines HearttoHeart (6)Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines HearttoHeart (2)
Special delivery yesterday by Yvonne @yvonneromualdezof 72 books of Fr James @mctavish_james – Sharper Than a Sword ( scalpel) Thank you to those who ordered in the village ?? We should be like her!!! following her mission … our mission… our calling. That is why I am following her ….. following God and His mission for all of us. I subscribed to @verbumdeiphilippines and this week’s reading -“The Lord is Calling you” and last Thursday’s Daily word talks about “Two by Two “- I am glad I have Yvonne helping me on this and encouraging me ?? I hope you will all be inspired by this book and follow God’s calling ?? “When Jesus sent out his twelve apostles into mission, he sent them two by two. Sometimes we get scared when we understand that Jesus is calling us to follow him in his mission thinking we will all be by ourselves. From the very beginning, the call to follow Christ was communitarian. May this give us peace that God never sends us alone. We will never carry the burden alone. He will provide all what we need.” ( Verbum Dei Daily Word) For orders of books contact Yvonne’s office Call Shayne at 8906303 or +63 922 898 6749 or contact @verbumdeiphilippinesThey#verbumdeiphilippines #h2hreligious#h2hquotes

Make sure to get copies of this book from Yvonne’s office Call Shayne at 8906303 or +63 922 898 6749 or contact @verbumdeiphilippines They already sold 1,000 copies & printed another 1,000 just 3 weeks ago #verbumdeiphilippines #h2hreligious #h2hpeople #h2hquotes #h2hsundayfamilylunch

Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines - HearttoHeart (13) Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines - HearttoHeart (15) Fr. James Mc Tavish of Verbum Dei Philippines - HearttoHeart (14)

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