Sun Cruises

By August 20, 2009 Travel 6 Comments

We recently came from Corregidor to attend a friend’s wedding and we took Sun Cruises which offered a nice package which included the ferry boat to take us there, to the tours and with accomodation.  Just be sure to check the weather before you ride boats during the typhoon season ( From June to October )

You can go for the day to do the tours, but we stayed overnight because of our friend’s wedding and I personally was very happy to have been able to stay and relax in the beautiful and peaceful island.mark-neng0004.jpg


 The boat is airconditioned and very decent



website:  Sun Cruises

 Related Entries:

Touring Corregidor Part 1 August 21, 2009

Corregidor Inn August 22, 2009

 Touring Corregidor Part 2 August 23, 2009



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