Muñoz-Yupangco Wedding Part 1 Bridal Shower For Trina

By October 12, 2009 Bridal, Foodie 4 Comments

Around a month ago, in Tisa’s beautiful home ( By Tisa Muñoz-Santos October 1, 2009 ), I attended the bridal shower of Trina.  Thank you Tisa for inviting me!    


The two lovely sisters I am very fond of 🙂  


It felt like we were in a Martha Stewart magazine 🙂  I love the way Tisa set up the merienda 


The food came from different sources, but the presentation was so nice and how Tisa put everything together! 


I was not able to stay for the games and gift opening anymore…. 


Related Entries:

Malacca February 3, 2009 

 Muñoz-Yupangco Church Wedding Part 2 October 13, 2009 

 Muñoz-Yupangco Wedding Pictorial Part 3 October 13, 2009

 Muñoz-Yupangco Wedding Reception Venue Part 4 October 14, 2009

Muñoz-Yupangco Wedding Reception Part 5 October 14, 2009 



  • Joy L. Lagdameo says:

    Rica, what beautiful photos! And yes, Miss Tisa (aka Mistiza?) is really the Martha Stewart of Alabang of our age group. Wait til you see what she has planned for her twins 1st birthday party! Just imagine…

  • Trina Munoz says:

    I love it! Thanks so much for posting. The way you did it, was so professional. 🙂 I hope to see you guys soon. Take care. Thanks again! 🙂

  • tisa santos says:

    Hahaha! You guys are too funny! I am very flattered with what you think, though there are a lot of Martha Stewarts out there =). Thanks again Rica for your beautiful posts and you are the sweetest, let me tell you! Wish you stayed longer.

  • Ok, all I did was look at the photos of the food and now I’m starving.
    Really stunning ideas for a wedding, congrats.

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