Assumption Batch ’87 Master Planning Session for Velada 2012

I have always wondered what really is a Velada.  I hear about it through some friends and family who have gone through it and there are many fund raising events and then of course the finale which is the dance number.  The question is always, how much did the batch raise?  So of course when we were discussing over our email groups, I was focussing on the events that we were going to have and how much we were going to raise for the events…..

Till we had our first Master planning where our leaders – Lala, Yvonne and Rhea with the help of Lala’s husband, Danny, made me see that there is more to the Velada than just raising money for charity.  The financial part is only one of the many objectives and it was good to realize that there is more to it than just that – there is a Spiritual ( Thanks to Rhea, our Mother Marie Eugenie awardee,  for being there and making sure of that! ), Social ( internal to our batch and external to society ), personal ( physical, emotional and psychological )  and going back to our Assumption roots from where we all came from. WOW!  Suddenly we have a lot to do!!…and we are going to have fun doing it 🙂

I am so lucky to be part of this batch and I am looking forward to our Velada which is still 3 years down the road…and I am sure it will be a FUN and Fulfilling 3 years and the dance at the end will only be the celebration of those 3 years! And I am sure it will be a GREAT CELEBRATION!!!

GOOD LUCK to us! 🙂





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