Beef Pepper Rice by Heart2Heart

By February 3, 2010 Recipes, Yummy! 7 Comments

Javier celebrated his birthday last week and he wanted to invite his cousins ( since their parents were out of town ) and his Ninong Quito over


  We decided to serve our newly discovered homemade Beef Pepper Rice.  My three boys love Pepper Lunch, so in search of dishes I have to think of that they will like, I decided to try and make Beef Pepper Rice at home! We all know it will never be the same…. but for something homemade, they liked it!! Whew! What a relief!  

So this is dedicated to my friends, Jeroen and Cecile who own Pepper Lunch! And of course we will still go to Pepper Lunch to have the real thing!


Javier was looking for his cake… I was not prepared! as we were really supposed to have his celebration on Sunday, so he got his own candle 🙂


and he thought of it himself to make his own cake with Golden Spoon yogurt – Cake batter and just chocolate!


Everyone of course wanted Golden Spoon also, so that was for dessert 🙂 It’s a good thing we always have stock in our freezer!


This is how we made our version of Beef Pepper Rice:

I showed my cook, Edna, the photo of Beef Pepper Rice from the mousepad Cecile gave me during the launch of Pepper Lunch Shangri-la 🙂  ( Pepper Lunch Launch Feb 4, 2009 )


I told her to just copy how it looked

  I had her get all my hardly used sizzling plates which came in different designs 🙂


Then I had to buy 5 more to accomodate the guests who were coming over


For the beef, I just used Australian Shabu Shabu beef – sliced like Shabu Shabu so it is thin. You can also use sukiyaki beef.  

But next time, I will try Wagyu or a better kind of beef so the kids will be happier 🙂

I bought fresh Japanese corn 


and we bought Japanese Yakiniku sauces – There was spicy, sweet and then regular – James said that it is best when mixed all together – so that is what we will do next time rather than having all three bottles then adding them one by one.  I bought them at Shopwise 


 I brought out my salts, pepper and Bragg’s ( in place of Knorr or Maggi )- this is for those who still want to add taste


 and imported Japanese rice


 Previous Entries:

  Pepper Lunch, Tokyo January 15, 2009 

Pepper Lunch May 16, 2008  



  • cvs says:

    cute post! i wish I could knock off Golden Spoon but it’s impossible!

  • quito says:

    we love you javier! manang , great food! love it!!!!!! the company even better!!!!!

  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    Will try this too! We love Pepper Lunch! So happy we won GCs in their last HP contest 🙂

  • Maricar says:

    Manang – please share the recipe – the girls could not stop raving about the beef pepper rice!

  • Rica says:

    Cecile, it’s very hard to knock off Golden Spoon – which is why IT IS THE BEST YOGURT IN THE WORLD!! 🙂
    Quits, javier always wants to invite you over for dinner!!
    Tricia, yes, i saw that you won GCs!!
    Maricar- that is the recipe on how I made it- the beauty is you can alter the ingredients depending on your taste or to the taste of whoever you are cooking for 🙂 It is very easy 🙂
    I forgot to mention about the butter- I just used plain butter- I should make more effort to learn how to make flavored butter – I always order EXTRA BUTTER in Pepper Lunch cuz I love their butter!!! 🙂

  • quito says:

    javs is my best friend…so cute and always likes to make kwento to me:)

  • […] of Japanese rice.  James made sure we got our japanese rice form here for the Beef Pepper Rice ( Beef Pepper Rice by Heart2Heart February 3, 2010) that we made at […]

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