Miguel Fabie

This is a tribute to Miguel..for touching my life and many others.  You will see through these photos how adventurous Miguel is and how he enjoyed and made the most out of life

( Photos taken from Miguel’s files and a few from friends, hope you don’t mind )


A great photographer and artist who I admire…


I pulled out a few photos out of his many many beautiful photos which he captured so well!  He made life look so beautiful in everything and in every angle.  I wish I could post all his beautiful photos, there is just too many…..

caplio-multi-1.jpgr0012731-2.jpgmg-2318.jpgmg-2308.jpgr0012737.jpgbohol-multi-20.jpgaparri-05.jpg50-year-designlittle-changesjpg.jpegaparri13.jpgbohol-multi-27.jpglastroll146.jpgcaplio-multi-5.jpgcaplio-multi-13.jpgfeb-7-09-06.jpgfeb-7-09-40.jpgil-mult-18.jpgil-mult-43.jpglast-pungs-raffy-o-11.jpgr0012714.jpgaaataaltown2.jpgsanctum2.jpgsf-moma-1-june-08-03.jpgaaataaltown.jpgtunnel-series-03.jpgI am sure you are in a much better place now…you will always be remembered





  • yugi antonio says:

    really nice tribute to an equally “nice”guy……

  • That was really beautiful Rics! Thank you for taking the time to post gather and post the pictures for us to always remember him by.

  • Richie Aquino says:

    Wow! what can I say… Thanks Yugs for pointing me here. Thank you for uploading these pics! We all know Miguel from different times, there are some pics which I am seeing for the first time. Some are very Miguel and some are quite profound. Thank You.


    MIguel always had a distinct angle in all his photographs. He was such a great artist! Thank you for posting all these beautiful reminders of him.

  • dondi santos says:

    beautiful tribute manang 🙂

  • Ann Arcenas says:

    Hi Rica,

    That first photo of Miguel looking up at the light was taken by Mike here at our home. He was a part of our family and we will miss him so much.


  • Rica says:

    Thanks Yugi, Toots, Richie, Kristine, Donds!!

    I never got to feature Miguel when he was still alive because I could not make it to his event or for some other reason and I regret it because there was so much to share. But anyway, I know he sees this and he will be happy that so many people saw it and love him!

    Hi Ann!!! Oh my gosh! Mike is a photographer too? I love that photo! Sorry did not credit anymore because some photos were mixed with his albums and I just pulled out whatever I saw.

  • Alan Munoz says:

    thank you miguel for your friendship. thank you for being a tender person: i will never forget when as a grade schooler in taft you would carry my athletic bag to the athlete’s locker after the noon college varsity football practice in campus. i also remember when i would see you during weekends at the then army navy club in roxas blvd. we were a generation apart but somehow i enjoyed answering all your questions on just about everything. remember the M16 bullet necklace i willingly gave you that summer in the seventies? the next time i saw you was when you were a long haired college student in taft. we spoke briefly at the south gate and i felt proud that you had grown up to become an intelligent, witty man. we bumped into each other here and there but never really had the chance to talk. i remember in 2002 i was very stressed with work and for some reason i texted you. this time it was the younger man counseling me. the last time i saw you was a week before the elections this May. i saw you walking along pasong tamo. i stopped the car, called you, extended my hand to shake yours. you noticed my green baller and i noticed that yours was yellow. we laughed and i sped away. i noticed you had lost weight. i will miss you miguel. i only have good memories of you even if we really didnt get to know each other. you will always be that polite grade schooler that i guess looked up to me as a kuya back then. as with all your friends and relatives, the question would always be what we could’ve done to prevent your early leaving. you will always be in my prayers my dear friend. good bye miguel

  • stephen matti says:

    i was not that close to miguel, only seeing him two or three times a year. but in those times that i would we would have long conversations on art and photography, and there was not a single time that i would not learn anything as he imparted his knowledge and critiques so selflessly and always with humour and reluctant genius. i shall miss you miguel.

  • henry yutuc says:

    i just found out today that he passed away. I was going to greet him on his birthday. we call each other xp, for he was my x cousin in law. its true that the good die young. will miss you, xp.

  • Paul Monozca says:

    Miguel was selfless and embraced life. He would stay with me when visiting Singapore and we would laugh till the wee hours of the morning and make him miss his flight back. He would brush his teeth with vodka. He made me miss the Philippines so much. We miss you Miguel and thank you for your friendship. Thank you also to the person who made this tribute – it just goes to show how many lives Miguel has touched. Best Wishes

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