Celebrating over 7 years, and saying thank you with our ” favoriti”….we will be closing our doors on August 15….Gaita Fores

I heard the news that Pepato was closing…I was so sad!!! But then I also heard, they are moving to a new home…so now I am happy again! Whenever someone asks me where I would like to eat, Pepato will always be on the list!  And before closing their doors on August 15, I made sure my husband took me to visit and have my last meal in that location


The great chef behind Pepato.  Heart2Heart likes anything and everything she cooks! and I am sure many others agree with me.  Goodbye kitchen 🙂


I was looking at the menu for a long time….I did not know what to choose!  I like everything!  How can you possibly eat everything in the menu??? Isn’t there a dish called MENU SAMPLER???

While I was browsing the menu, they served me this!!! I LOVE IT!! I ate both and my husband got mad at me for eating his!  🙂


A new appetizer which was really really good using the mille feuille crepes!!  Finally a hot dish using the crepes!! Soooo… good!! And you can buy the mushroom truffle paste which is what you see on top


Since I could not decide…I chose the appetizer trio…I wish they had the whole menu in this portion so i could eat everything 🙂 SERIOUS!  Someone should invent a MENU SAMPLER where you can taste all the dishes in the menu- one bite each!  I WILL ORDER THAT! 🙂  


Same with the pasta- I like all the pasta- but had to choose only two ( sounding not contented 🙂 ) YUMMY!!!!


THE BEST AND MY TOP DISH IN THE RESTAURANT which I always have when I am in Pepato. It is the best combination for me 


My husband ordered this and I ate from it too of course 


And then we had 3 desserts from Gaita! Wow!! We did not say NO! 🙂 


Heart2Heart’s favorite gelato flavors 


In honor of Wowo and Wawa 🙂   


And she has a shrine in the kitchen for them


Always happy to see familiar faces…we feel more at home 


The Pepper mill collection

Previous Entry:  Pepper Mills July 9, 2010 


And last night, we knew everyone around us pepato2010b.jpgpepato2010c.jpg7yearspepato211.jpg

After eating all that, we had baon pa!! YUM YUM!  Thank you Gaita!! And looking forward to more foodie adventures with you!! MORE POWER!! WE WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT YOU! 


Previous Entry:  Pepato November 25, 2008 

Gastronomic Boredom March 13, 2009 

  Foie Gras August 16, 2007 


One Comment

  • Rica Trota says:

    Sorry i replied late to your FB message. Thanks for sharing Rica! See you at the new home of Pepato!!!

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