A Green Building Brewing

Watch out for the first LEED and drive thru in the Philippines  …soon at the FORT!




  • Nats Lee says:

    Dear Rica, this is indeed a good project! =) I am connected with a Paint Company, may I know if Starbucks is open for a possible partnership with us. We can offer our latest product, Boysen Knoxout, Air Cleaning Paint. I hope we can further discuss our objectives. Please keep me posted. Thanks! =)

  • etniko says:

    Hi RIca,

    This is an earth friendly- pioneering project that all building in the philippines must follow.
    our commitment to minimising impact to the environment . all utilities are of the minimum of 3 star ratings a benchmark in sustainability index.
    I am working as an architect and an Urban Planner here in Australia , this kind of building are highly suggested which are environment friendly at the same time cost saving.

    This topic is highly recommended . more power to “Heart to Heart” !

    Felix Garcia

  • Alexis says:

    Hello Rica,

    I’m excited for this 🙂 LEED is the way to go!

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