Araneta by Maria Lina Santiago

Thank you Tita Lina for sending me a copy of your beautiful book.  This is the second book on Victoria Lopez de Araneta written by her family. How I wish I had met her!  She must have been a great woman.  

What a grand gesture to dedicate and document the lives of the people who we love and admire.  

I am so proud to say that I am part of this family…..  We all share the same value of LOVE for GOD, FAMILY and for our COUNTRY!  We really need to live up to our family who have been great examples to others.  

Tita Lina, I hope that your book will inspire many others and many future generations.  



Available at Bookmark, La Solaridaridad, Filipinas Heritage/Ayala Museum, Trade Winds, National Museum, Rare Books and A Different Bookstore 

Proceeds of the book will be for the benefit of the WHITE CROSS. 



  • Is this book for purchase in the United States?

  • unfortunately it is not being sold in any of the stores in the united states. but my father’s book which i reprinted and some of his old ones can be bought through google. usually books sold through filipinas heritage library book store (which it is) is advertised in their webpage but i shall follow up once again why it is not though my dad’s old books are.

  • Dear Prima Lina,
    Allow me to call you that because we are actually second cousins, my father, Leopoldo, being first cousin to your Dad, our Lolos, your Lolo, Gregorio and mine, Marciano, being brothers. When my father died, Tito Badong offered a mass at the Araneta University chapel, with Tito Fritz officiating, then we had breakfast at your house afterwards.
    I want to congratulate you on this book, you give honor to your parents and to their contribution to God and country, and what a title!!! It seems like you’re a natural story teller….Just reading the synopsis was interesting enough, I can just imagine how the whole book will be.
    History has always fascinated me and your research and presentation of your family, did just that! I felt “the flow of blood”, belonging to a family that hopefully helped influenced Philippine history.
    Having moved here to America, we were removed from the family circle, nevertheless, my wife, Josie Saldana Sarmiento, and I, managed to instill in them pride in our culture and family. Speaking of which, got me started in tracing our roots and complex relationships, so our children, two of whom came here with us at a very early age, and our youngest, who was born here, all of them not having back home since, will have a knowledge of their forbears and peers.
    I hope to make your acquaintance when you come to the States, and would like to invite you, and company, to stay with us should you be in NorthEast Florida where we have moved since 1990, after living in NY for 20 years. If I can make it to our family reunion, maybe we can meet then.
    My wife will be in Manila in December to attend her high school reunion which she’s been attempting to do since 1995, their goldeen jubilee, but was not able to do because of ill health, and to take care of some other family affairs.
    I really would love to have a copy of your book, and if you’ll sign it, I would be very appreciative. We still have some friends in Manila even though we haven’t been there since 1997, and maybe she can send her nephew over to buy it and have you autograph it for us. Her nephew is Conrado ‘Ding’ Navarro, who I understand is President of PRRM, and so is all over the whole country doing his job encouraging people in the small barrios to be self sufficient.
    My wife says that her father, Basilio L. Sarmiento, a vernacular poet born in 1890, and whose poetry were in Diwang Kayumanggi, Bulaklak, and Liwayway weeklies, knew your father in law, Ciriaco Santiago.
    At any rate, sorry for the long letter, I just figure if we’re going to know each other, I might as well start it, if you don’t mind.
    I would appreciate knowing your email address for future correspondence, mine if not shown here, would be
    God bless you, and yours,,


  • Wendell Almonte says:

    I love this book. I was able to read it when I had my holyweek vacation in Mrs. Maria Victoria Araneta-Concepcion’s rest house (balai Taal). I found this hardbound book near the headboard of my room’s bed. Just curious about the content until i found myself got hooked on this book.

    The book features the very rich culture of the Philippines and of the famila Araneta Lopez. When I read the history of Araneta, I started to search the places mentioned on the book. One of those is the Victoneta.. I love the church they built .. near the altar are the tomb of the ever after lovers, Mr and Mrs areneta. I also use this church in my weddings and its romantic garden for the reception.

  • Mike says:

    Good Day Mam Lina!is this book still available?ive checked the Bookstores mentioned,and unfortunately they dont have!iam interested because iam a Fashion Designer and Collector of Photos of Carnival Queens.and your Mom was a Fashion Plate during Her Time!to tell you the truth i have in my Collection 2pcs.Photos of your Mom Partying with Presidential Son Sergio Osmena Jr!and this is from the Pre War Era!iam Familiar with Her because i read a lot of Books and Magazines relating To Fashion,Art,Antiques,etc.iam hoping you still have a copy to spare?Hoping for your Kind Reply.Thanks,Mike.

  • ricardo m. ang says:

    Lina, I want to buy your book. I used to work under you at Feati Univiersity in 1960″s

  • Eladio Cruz says:

    When I was at Araneta U in the late 50s Maria Lina was involved in ROTC as a cadette. I was one of the cadet officers. She a part in The King and I stage show with Fred Datu, ELina Castro, Other cast members were Gil Acevedo, his sister, Roger Magbag , Rey Torres, my cousin was the director. I was a member of the production team. Maria Lina loved children which after the show she asked me to accompany them for a picnic at the 59 hectares. We had fun and she would tell me “Mamati ka anay” if I ignored her.Maria Lina had a cousin, Cristina who I thought stayed at the girls’ dorm in the campus or she was visiting that time. The last time I heard Maria Lina and Danny Santiago, who was a student at AU. got married. I would be glad to get in touch with Maria Lina

    I am living now in California and have 2 grandchildren.

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