Our New Baby

Several years ago, I had told my family that we can’t have both a new dog and a new baby all at once….. so of course the baby choice was the best at that time.  But since we have not had a baby, I finally agreed to a pet since Javier has been wanting one.  A Black Schnauzer in particular ( Rene WigenSchnauzer Breeder  August 24, 2010 ).  In 2008, it was a french bulldog ( Sweeping Ears January 21, 2008 ).  It was a long decision and just one day, James called up our good friend, Dinky, to get advice about a pet that would be easy to maintain, and he suggested a Boston Terrier and gave James a website to look at



And after a few days, it was just like going to a shop and picking something from the shelf 🙂  We went to Pook Ligaya


The first thing we saw was the garage….hmmmm…vintage car collection


 and we saw horses crossing going back and forth to the stables


we met Violet, cousin of Paul, who is running the stables 


and we met the breeder, Paul


The first puppy we saw was this one who James really liked because of his color, though he was not really a puppy anymore compared to the others


 Paul showing off the puppies and explaining to us the show qualities of the dogs


 Then the other cage with the other puppies who Paul showed to us one by one


After discussion with Paul, We finally chose one


Among the 5 puppies – Javier chose the friendliest one who was already named Romeo


We immediately bought dog food which Paul recommended and what Romeo has been eating already


Sleeping in the car on the way home


Night 1 with Romeo sleeping with us 


Night 2, Still sleeping cozy with Javs


Night 3, Still sleeping with Javs, until we had to decide to make him sleep first in his kennel as he was not yet toilet trained 




Click here to go to their Facebook Page :  Boston Terriers Philippines  

 By going through Paul’s facebook page, I realized he is into photography! I pulled out a few of his photos


And for those who want to ride in Pook Ligaya, contact Violet

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