Quinto’s Violin Lessons

Several weeks ago, I accompanied my friend Rina to bring her son, Quinto,  to his violin lessons. I was so amazed! I just find the violin so elegant and so classic! And for a child to be playing it amazes me more.  Quinto was so proud to show off his violin skills to me.

They say that it is important that a child learns atleast one musical instrument.quinto-violin-book1.jpgquinto-violin-book2.jpg



Teacher Loy:  “That’s Music!  You don’t see anything, You hear it, You feel it, you follow.  You make nice music!” 






One Comment

  • Grace Lim says:

    Hi there. 🙂

    i stumbled upon your site while looking for violin lessons. 🙂 i had a nice time going through the entries, especially the part on environmental protection. i also liked watching Quinto play the violin. 🙂 the kid in me still hopes to learn how to play the violin(i used to take lessons for piano, but i got tired of it since i don’t get practice in my room and back then, my parents wouldn’t allow me to do so in the evenings because it is study time. though i still play with the piano at times, but rarely. the violin though, it tugs at my heart whenever i hear people playing), aside from learning more languages, like nihongo, french and spanish (in that order).

    Teacher Loy, to me, seems like a great teacher. i wonder if she accepts students older than 20. 🙂 hehe 🙂

    thanks for putting up the site. 🙂

    ~Grace Lim

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