I overheard Lolo telling Tita Nedy that he was very happy on his birthday and that the Paco Market event made his special day more meaningful!  It is indeed a great project and Lolo is very proud to be part of it




  • quito says:

    Happy 90th Birthday Lolo Benny! We LOVE you!!!!!

  • Sandie Castro-Poblador says:

    It feels so good to read about these worthy endeavors. It’s what our country needs the most. Thank you to the Tantoco family and Happy 90th Birthday Tito Benny!

  • Bob C. Crespo says:

    I grew up in Paco and the market and Pasig River along its side has been a part of our lives for many decades. I am now 77 years old and seeing the plans for its rehabilitation, vis-a vis lettng it turn into decayed ruins come to fruition rather sooner than expected is indeed a great achievement for those who were concerned about its state and who gave their time and effort to save and beautify this historical landmark, if you will. Kudos to each and everyone involved with this great project. And to AMBASSADOR BIENVENIDO TANTOCO, SR. a very belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY.


    Bob C. Crespo

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