Salcedo Market Breakfast

By May 29, 2011 Foodie 2 Comments

Last January, we had a Mercato Centrale Breakfast

Previous Entry:  Mercato Centrale Breakfast January 21, 2011

 A few weeks ago, we had a Salcedo Market Breakfast 🙂   We are always happy when Tito Stephen and Tita Reggie come to visit the Philippines…and though they stay so fast, it’s a good thing Mom takes advantage and has Tita Reggie cook for us 🙂  They have been BEST FRIEND FOODIES eversince and make a great tandem! 




  • Brenda L. Tanjutco says:

    Oh my goodness, that would have been a long day breakfast! But knowing your Mom, she would have just eaten,a spoonful!

  • Stephen & Reggie Young says:

    Thank you for the wonderful pictures and as always we so enjoy the cooking, eating and time spent together with your Mom, Dad and you all! Until next time…Bon appetite & hugs to all!

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