A few weeks ago I celebrated my birthday…..Since I was out of the country on my birthday, I sort of celebrated the day after when we got back

 The first thing I did was go to Rustan’s and avail of my birthday discount using my Citi Rustan’s card!  Don’t ever forget to avail of this because this is only once a year and it is so worth it!!  Since I have a platinum card, I got a 10% discount on everything  bought that day! 🙂


Birthday Discount 

On your birthday week, which includes 3 days before and after your birthday, simply present your card and valid ID at the Customer Service Counter to avail of a 5% discount (for Gold) or 10% (for Platinum) on purchases made with your card.

* Valid only for 1 transaction made with your card at any Rustan’s Supermarket.

Previous Entry:  Luxury Shopping Card Unveiled July 16, 2008

Go to website to read more about Citi Rustan’s Card:



Then I also had to go renew my driver’s license which of course was already late so I had to pay a penalty….. which seems to always be the case…. which is one of the signs of getting old! 🙂

Previous entry:  Driver’s License Renewal Center, Ayala August 16, 2008 

I made sure I was there before 9am so I could be early and finish early as well……but when I got there, there was a line already


Good thing I filled up the form fast and I got # 5!


While I was lining up I bumped into a friend, Harley Sy.  And as low key as he is, he did not want me to take his photo, so I stole a shot when he was sitting in front of me from the other side of the window 🙂  I was so surprised to see him in the LTO!!!  I admire this guy really so much! So simple, so kind….and he was there lining up just like any normal person!!  This was his second day here because he was not able to finish the day before and he had waited an hour and a half for the medical portion!  

He told me that he prefers that he does it himself so he can experience it himself and through his experience that is the time he will use his connections to tell them how to improve the system! HOW NOBLE!!!!!!  This is Heart2Heart’s type of person!!  I even asked him ” YOU DRIVE?”:-)  and he said OF COURSE!! Just admire the guy so much!


This was the last step of the process and I finished in about an hour and forty five minutes.  While waiting I am looking at these old ladies taking their time processing our papers and I was just looking and so impatiently waiting…. and I see this sign! 🙂  SLOW DOWN it says.  I guess we think that kids sometimes are so impatient…yet when I look at myself at 41 years old, I find myself being more impatient as I grow older!!! and realize how PATIENCE is truly a virtue and that we should really learn to be more patient especially as we grow older


and I remember a blog in Twinpopsis which I really liked entitled “WAITING” and this is my birthday message to myself and sharing it at Heart2Heart

Click on photo below to go to Twinposis




One Comment

  • elena g. ong says:

    BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS. RICA!!! enjoyed reading your BIRTHDAY RITUALS . i also had my licensed renewed on my birthday last month and had it at the Araneta Center LTO office…as has been my practice, i got there late in the afternoon and there were only three of us queued up…took me less than 45 minutes….i really love the way they process the license renewal there…people were courteous…and the facilities are clean too….just a tip in case you want to try it in three years…
    God bless..

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