Danni’s BBQ birthday

 dannis-bbq1.jpgdannis-bbq14.jpgdannis-bbq13.jpgdannis-bbq2.jpgdannis-bbq3.jpgWe always look forward to an MTL and ROA tandem for our meals.  They make a great team!  After all, they started the Bon Apetit concept at Rustan’s and was one of the first to pioneer the cafe and patisserie industry in the Philippines.  dannis-bbq10.jpg dannis-bbq5.jpgdannis-bbq7.jpgdannis-bbq8.jpgdannis-bbq12.jpgdannis-bbq11.jpg dannis-bbq9.jpg [email_link] 


  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    yum! where did you have the BBQ party?

  • Jun Lopez says:

    Beautiful pictures ….. Congrats, LOVE!

  • Reggie Aguinaldo-Young says:

    Great pictures as always Rica. They certainly bring us very happy memories shared with all the Jun Lopezes. Appreciate the plug you gave your Mom and me too. We do so love our FOODIE gatherings and adventures each time you all visit NYC and envirnons.
    Hugs & cheers always,
    Tita Reggie & Tito Stephen too!

  • quito says:

    Happy Bday Danni! Hope you had a great day on your birthday! I was sad to only spend 2 days with you in NY! Great pics manang RICS! Your like fine wine, improving everytime! haha!:)

  • Lynn and Howard says:

    Danni, how did you get to be 13 already? The pictures are beautiful, and so are you. We would have loved to have been there with you.

    Enjoy your big year!

    Love, Lynn and Howard

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