Chapel of San Lorenzo Ruiz

Of course Dad’s birthday is not complete without celebrating mass. Thanks to Tito Stephen and Tita Reggie for giving the gift of prayer for Dad.  They arranged a private mass for the family with Fr.  Erno.  What a beautiful building in a nice location… it is right beside Little Italy.  


I remember s beautiful line that Fr. Erno said during his sermon.  “The HEART is the source of all good things.  True LOVE comes from the HEART and that keeps us together.”


Thank you to Fr. Erno for bringing prayer and bringing God closer to the Filipino people in New York.  san-lorenzo-ruiz-book7.jpgsan-lorenzo-ruiz-book9.jpgsan-lorenzo-ruiz-book8.jpg

Fr. Erno is trying to raise funds to maintain the chapel and will be having a fund raising concert in Manila by no other than Tito Jo Mari Chan.  Tito Jo Mari is always so busy doing concerts all over the world and most of them for charity.  Thanks Tito Jo Mari for sharing your talent and for always helping other people. I hope that friends of Heart2Heart will help support Fr. Erno.



website:  Chapel of San Lorenzo Ruiz 



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