The Ideal Couple

I say they are the ideal couple because we and many other friends look up to them for being so sweet and so loving to each other all these years!  Mom was 19 and Dad was 20 when they got married and through all those years, Mom and Dad were only separated ONCE when Mom had to go somewhere with Lola and she could not sleep!  She never did it again after that.  They call each other “plangs” which means “palangga” in Bisaya or “dear.”  Mom takes care of Dad so well, he is so lucky.  She always thinks of him in whatever she does and makes sure Dad always gets what he needs.  She adapts to him and adjusts if needed.  Dad on the other hand has been and is a very good and loyal husband to Mom. He lets Mom lead and easily follows and supports Mom.  

Happy 44th Anniversary to Dad and Mom!!

I love looking at vintage photos of them when they were younger…. they look like movie stars! 🙂 




  • maryannev says:

    Hi! Rica. Congratulations to your mom & dad. They are truly an inspiration. You must really be very proud of them. May God continue to bless both of them with good health.:-)

  • beam800 says:

    Hi Rica! This is such a beautiful tribute to your parents. Every since I first saw your parents 20+ years ago (my older sister, Rina, is a friend of Junjun from Ateneo and our youngest brother was Quito’s classmate in Xavier), I always admired them. They are a couple as well as individual persons very worthy of emulation. 🙂 – Bea Azcuna

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Jenny Litton Navasero You parents married quite young! but then I guess that was the norm during their time? my mom got married when she was only 18 …
    Yesterday at 9:14pm · Unlike · 1 person

    Brenda Tanjutco You hit the nail right on it’s head! They are the inseparable couple, and compliments each other seamlessly. Setting them as an ideal couple in this time and age can surely help in restoring: love, loyalty and selfless sacrifices in the marriages of this generation.
    Yesterday at 9:43pm · Unlike · 4 people

    Sandie Castro-Poblador Tita Menchu’s hot!
    23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

    Malu Francisco what GREAT pictures!! they really do look like movie stars!!
    23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

    Frannie A. Jacinto happy anniversary, jun and menchu!!!!!!! you are our ideal couple!
    22 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

    Tricia Hosaka Happy Anniversary!!!
    22 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

    Jay Ong Happy Anniversary Tio Jun & Tita Menchu!
    22 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

    Marivic Poblador-Pineda Happy Anniversary Ninoy Jun and Tita Menchu. Your marriage is truly exemplary. Hope we can pick up a few things from you both. ? Love and blessings, Dino, Marvs, AJ & Sofie
    12 hours ago · Like

    Emilie Montenegro Yupangco How truly inspiring Rica! Best wishes to your parents as they reach the milestone of their married life! God bless!
    12 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

    Arlene Sanchez Maslog Happy Anniversary to your parents! By the way, Rics I love the mid-century modern furniture in the pic where they’re sitting on the floor.:-)
    5 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

    Rica Lopez de Jesus Thanks everyone, I forwarded your messages to dad and mom. Arlene Sanchez Maslog me too!!! Why do you think I didnt crop the photo- i love the look!! 🙂
    4 hours ago · Like · 1 person

    Jun Alvendia please give our congratulations and best wishes to Jun and Menchu…one of the nicest couples around.
    3 hours ago · Like

    Liza Chan-Parpan What a wonderful tribute to your parents, Rica! Please wish them both a very happy 44th wedding anniversary from me & TJ Parpan!
    3 hours ago · Like

    Marden Cordova Iglesias great photos of MTL and ESL…much respected and admired for their blissful partnership in Life. my warmest regards
    2 hours ago · Like

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Thank you Mary Anne and Bea!!

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