
By June 20, 2008 Travel, Yummy! 5 Comments

Play the video to listen to the theme song while you read this to put you in the Pinkberry mood!  🙂


 [wp_youtube]lZzsw3VYpWQ[/wp_youtube] aboutcontent1.jpg


How I wish I were eating a Pinkberry right now!  Last year, James had mentioned to us about Pinkberry as Starbucks had invested in this new concept.  So it was a definite MUST TRY on our list.  We visited Pinkberry the night before we left New York.  We kept procrastinating since the family said it was not their type, it was sour, the kids did not really like it, etc etc.  The kids were expecting the typical soft serve or something like their favorite, Golden Spoon. So I guess when you have expectations, of course you will be disappointed.  Though Jackie and Krie told us they loved it.  So, just like anything else, it is a matter of taste.  This is now Heart2Heart’s all time favorite frozen delight! 

One shop had just opened a few days after we arrived near where we stayed.  and OH MY GOSH!!  James and I loved it!!!!!!! We wanted to pass by and get another Pinkberry on the way to the airport but we were running late!pinkberry-book1.jpgpinkberryshopdesign.jpgpinkberry-book2.jpgpikberrycanvass.jpg

There are only 3 flavors to choose from- ORIGINAL PINKBERRY, GREEN TEA and COFFEEpinkberryyogurt.jpg

We were able to taste all since they sample out small cups- we liked the ORIGINAL PINKBERRY FLAVOR!  It is so refreshing and so YUMMY!  It is more icy than creamy and it has a sweet taste to it contrary to what the others said.  And adding the fresh kiwi and strawberry made it even taste better.    nutfacts_original.jpgnutfacts_gt.jpgnutfacts_coffee.jpgsc0003c74d.jpgpinkberry-book4a.jpg


Love this flyer which they gave out!

“Absence makes the HEART SWIRL fonder!”





Some material taken from their website:  PINKBERRY 



  • Romina Garcia says:

    my mouth is watering 🙂

  • Sabina says:

    I looooove pinkberry!! I remember car asking me where there was a pinkberry near where you guys stayed in the city, kasi they go all the way to SoHo pa to try… Guess what, I memorize all the locations… Hahaha! More love to pinkberry. There’s also red mango and forty carrot in bloomies, you should try forty carrot next time. 🙂

  • Hiro says:

    got to taste this last year.. love the tangy taste. the closest to pinkberry here in the phil is found in Angeles.. Cold spoon, but sad to say they dont serve fresh fruits with their yogurt….

  • EPS says:

    Try Yogurt World in Mira Mesa CA. It’s 10 times better than Pink Berry and cheaper too.

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