Midas Hotel and Casino

On our way home from the National Museum we saw the new Midas Hotel and we were curious to see how it looked, so we stopped by


Very modern


And wow!! I loved the lobby wall!! I only realized later on that those were Hermes bag boxes!!! It must be the boxes of the bags of the owner?  I don’t think you can buy just boxes to display! 🙂


There was a display near the elevator of an Hermes bag which was for sale.  The guard told us that there used to be three and the other two were sold already. Hmmm…


The lobby from the back


We went to see their restaurants, they apparently only have a coffeeshop and they were having a buffet at that time. I wish they had more boutique hotel type restaurants


Photos of the room from their website, Best to try hotel rooms when they are still new 🙂


Click below to go to their website:



One Comment

  • The breakfast’s just fantastic– they serve plump hakao, juicy ribs and several kinds of yogurt for your muesli. Oh, and their array of breakfast pastries are such a pretty sight!

    I also stayed here for the night– I was intrigued by the Hermes Boxes (thanks to the Almario sisters who designed the hotel). They have great interiors but not so good service. And the AC kinda sucks. They made it up with great toiletries, though.

    But all in all, staying there is pleasant to the eyes. I would love to go back there for another R&R!

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