Arf Arf Confectionery

I LOVE these dog biscuits!!  Not because I have a dog that loves them nor do I love eating them but because it was through this that I got to meet one of friends who is now one of my dearest.  

Three years ago when I was planning the Dog party of Javs, I had wanted to give out dog biscuits as a giveaway.  So I emailed Michele to sponsor some for the loot bags and immediately she said YES!  From that day on, we never even talked about dog biscuits, but became friends!


Michele is my friend who cooks as a hobby and she invented these dog biscuits which she has been selling for ten years already.  She told me that before she made these biscuits, she tried all the other dog biscuits out there and she did not like any so she made her own.  Aside from dogs loving these treats, her son, Luigi, used to eat these biscuits when he was teething.     

It comes in small and medium sizes 


and it is VERY HEALTHY!


 Available of course in only THE BEST – Rustan’s Supermarket and Shopwise

and in other major supermarkets

I got to meet the beneficiaries of her special treats : 

GORDY – the Shih tzu, 10 years old – Michele quality controls all her biscuits and puts only the whole bone shaped pieces – any that are cracked or damaed are not included in the package – so Gordy gets to eat those.  

What a CUTE FACE!!!!



and there is BOB-BOY!  Bob is the name but they call him BOB-BOY pronounced as “baboy!”  So funny this family! Bob-boy, the Golden Retriever, was so happy to see Michele, he was jumping all over her.  He is a trained dog and would SIT when told to but he was too excited and could not sit still when Michele was telling him to…He kept jumping all over her and running all over the place


Aside from her two dogs, she has other pets.

Hamsters – Bob 1 and Bob 2 – Luigi likes the name Bob!  🙂

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Then there is Freddie, the squirrel.  Michele told me that she would literally put him inside her shirt when he was a baby because she would take him with her everywhere she would go!  Usually squirrels just go all over the place and run so fast away from people- this one sticks to Michele and knows her!michelepets5.jpg


I love these shots of Freddie clinging on to Michele 



And this is my favorite named pet- FRAP!  which stands for Frappuccino, named after Starbucks’ famous Frappuccino drink. But since Frap is a girl – it is Frappuccina but Frap as nickname 🙂


They are all so good natured and all know her.  I believe that the personalities of the pets reflect the personality of their masters.  You can tell that they are all well groomed, happy, caring, loving and very affectionate.  And that is my friend, Michele, she is all that plus more, that is why I love her! 

Previous entries:

Heathier Italian Cooking – May 24, 2007 

Dinner by Michele – October 26, 2007 

LMFI – Feb. 22, 2008





  • Jun Lopez says:

    Hearty Congrats, Michele …… Great Idea !
    Business must be very good.

  • Michele Dee-Santos says:

    Rics, thank you!! You are really a true and dear friend — biased in my favor! hahaha. I love the pictures.

  • Peter Hager says:

    Hey Barbie,

    Bob looks GREAT! You should put Mano onthe same diet! 🙂

  • Michele Dee-Santos says:

    Hahahaha! Hey Rambis! That’s a great idea! Haven’t seen you in a while…

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