Aries Caces and Minette Padilla

Thank you to my bestfriend, Eds, for organizing a beautiful night of music!  I love these things and she loves them too which is why we get along 🙂 We sometimes go to the CCP or go together for concerts,

Previous entry:  Encantada Gala Night August 27, 2011 

but this time, she brought the CCP to me! and to her other friends!! 🙂

I used to play the piano when I was a kid and I remember the numerous hours and days I had to practice for a piece so i could memorize it and play it the proper way.  It’s very hard and it takes a lot of patience and a lot of practice!  That’s why i really admire pianists 

Previous entry:  Carlos Ibay March 12, 2011 

To Aries and Minette, YOU MAKE US PROUD TO BE FILIPINO!  What an honor to witness your performance and a priveledge to watch you in a private home, I feel so lucky and blessed 🙂 

I took video clips of the performance that evening and put them together quickly so I could share it with everyone at Heart2Heart.  They are truly so talented and amazing!  Watch for yourselves 



Eds set up her house with the help of good friend, Anton Barreto 🙂


If you want to listen more to Aries playing the piano, visit his soundcloud page, click below



It was also the birthday of Eds’ sister in law, Camille ( notice her two kids who are very cultured too watching Minette and Aries perform )


Happy Birthday Camille!!


And we even had Cocktails to go with the show 🙂  I am telling you, this beats going to the CCP! 🙂  Thanks to my dear best friend for organizing this!





  • OMG what a small world! Minette is the sister of a friend of ours here in Jakarta, so every once in a while we see her when she visits! In fact we were just on the same plane as her (and her mom) last time we went back to Manila! How cool that you got to hear her sing =) Here in Jakarta we always see her as the best tita in the world to her niece and nephew.

  • They look and sound so good together. It’s as if destiny brought their talents together so that they could make beautiful music. I wish them all the luck and love in the world; may their tribe increase.Minette is also such a wonderful student, colleague and friend.

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