Champoy Sugar

By May 16, 2009 Yummy! 3 Comments

I learned this from my Tita Nena years ago.  She had a great idea of using the champoy powder with suha!  Instead of dipping the suha in rock salt, dip it into the champoy sugar.  It is so yummy!! Try it! 




  • Michele Dee-Santos says:

    This is popular in Singapore! I just tried this last year and it was good! Try it with guava — really yummy!

  • Leia says:

    have always enjoyed champoy sugar so i was so excited to see it in your blog… i marched off to the aji ichiban in rockwell but they don’t carry it ;-( you got yours from HK??? I guess that is closer than Bangkok…. Would you know where to get it here in Manila?

  • Rica says:

    Hi Leia,
    i just checked with my Mom, and she said Aji Ichiban here. Hmmm..maybe they were just out of stock? It should be available here

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